2017年5月18日 星期四

两百万人将拥有资格获得即将发行的Futurenet Coin.未来20年世界三大货币之一️你准备好了吗?

两百万人将拥有资格获得即将发行的Futurenet Coin.未来20年世界三大货币之一你准备好了吗?
Today i saw the first version of the FuturoCoin Commercial Video. I can't wait to share it with you.The FUTURO will be the best Coin on the Market. We as FutureNet will start it with about 2 Million Member. It will have an own Blockchain from the first day. It will be on exchanger platforms from the first day. It will have many exapting points from the first day.
We will have the first Marketingplan with own Blockchain!
AND we as FutureNet will create for you the BEST MARKETING MATERIAL ever!


